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PALS is a community based non-profit organization in the Washington Metropolitan area, that supports homeless shelters by leading & assisting with wellness workshops, job coaching, and volunteer assistance. We also support young parents age 26 and under within the homeless population by providing pregnancy and childbirth education, financial literacy, individualized goal-setting and planning, and a fully stocked family pantry.

Ariah Williams, MD

“I appreciate all of the help from the organization and I also like the support that I had and the communication P.A.L.S donation organization has helped my family in a time of need when I didn't have nowhere to turn. I will always recommend this organization for anyone and I will also like to be more involved."

Kayla Mejia, VA

"Thank you for the opportunity! The experience was quick and easy. It was definitely a help for my family and I. Sending many blessings to you all."

Kemetta Aderele, DC

"Because of this nonprofit I was able to gain some piece of mind, while during this epidemic. This non profit was amazing enough to gift our family 300$ towards any of our utility bills! We thank you P.A.L.S"
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